ConfigMgr New PC TS Package

The easiest method of applying OSConfig to a New PC is directly from a Package and a Run Command Line. This method is not recommended for testing as the OSConfig progress is not displayed.

The following steps are required

  • OSConfig must be created as a Package (no Program)

Create an ConfigMgr Package

Create a new Package with Source Files to the root of your OSConfig content. Do not create a Program. Distribute Content to your Distribution Points

Task Sequence Run Command Line

Add a Run Command Line step after the "Setup Windows and Configuration Manager" step. Use the following Command Line:

PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\OSConfig.ps1

Make sure that you disable 64-bit file system redirection and that you run from your OSConfig package.


If everything worked fine, your Operating System should show all your customizations

The Support Group is from the Domain GPO

Last updated